Wednesday, 13 February 2013



常常在面子书上看到人家写“认真的话就输了”,觉得这句话很幽默,但却很有意境... 随便问问一个小学生,他大概都能告诉你这句话的意思。但又有谁能够正确完完整整的解释这句话呢?

大年初四,刚刚从劳勿,金马仑高原回来,一趟回归大自然,回归乡间之旅,是有点累,但人生的观点又增加了丁点... C =

Life doesn't always give you what you expected.. If you don't get what you want, 
why not grab it yourself?
K. Cheow

Saturday, 2 February 2013


What if this morning when you wake up, you open your eyes, you eyes glance through the calender that you make marks daily.. You noticed today is a day you passed, say, 5 years or 10 years ago.. If you knew that this is an important day in your life, something catastrophic has happened to you on this day, or there will be a life-changing event coming soon.. What will you do? Rewrite your history? Stick to the past.. or..

What if you have no idea what happened on that particular day and particular period of time? Do you find it interesting and will you try to find out?

If that happen to me, questions I found interesting "Who I hang out with normally", "What is my goal of life at that particular time", "Do I feel contented with my life", "What are my recent achievements",  "When is my happiest moment around that period of time", "Did I experience any awful experience"...